How You Can Improve the Resale Value of Your Home

While there are never guarantees in selling your home, there are plenty of ways you can increase not only the likelihood of a sale, but the return you’ll see. These measures don’t have to break the bank, either. While many such tasks you can do yourself, sometimes it will be necessary to get outside help.

Clean, Clean, Clean

First and foremost, your home should be absolutely spotless. There should be no stray sweaters on couches, no dust lingering behind lampshades, nothing to make a prospective buyer say, “Ick.” A coat of varnish and polish on an old coffee table or chest of drawers can take it from shabby and drab to classic. You can clean yourself, or you can hire a company to do it for you. Whatever you choose, cleaning the inside and outside of your home can make an incredible difference.

Proper Staging

It can be hard to see past our own possessions, past our memories and the comforts of our life, but you do not want your home to feel cluttered. Whether it’s possible to move your possessions into clever hideaways or for you rent a storage space for a month, you should make your house feel airy and light to make potential buyers think of it as an open space they can stretch in. This includes your closet. If your closets are packed with clothes or boxes, it will give the impression there isn’t much storage space in the house, so don’t overlook closets when you stage your home. When staging, make sure to make any small touch-ups you need done. Has the paint been scraped off on a corner of the kitchen? Is there a chipped tile in the bathroom? Do you need new grout? Get these things fixed so your home looks positively pristine.

Tend to the Outdoors

People aren’t going to be seeing just how your home looks inside. The first thing a potential buyer is going to see is your home from the curb. People make snap judgments, and if your home looks a little run-down, or even if the lawn isn’t well-manicured, buyers may not see past that, even if your house is perfect inside. Tend to your garden if you have one, trim your grass, and get your trees shaped, whatever you need to do to make it look well cared for.

Lower Your Energy Costs

This doesn’t sound exciting, but it can be a draw for a buyer. Energy costs are rising all across the globe, and with income levels remaining somewhat stagnant, it can be hard to keep up. That’s why it’s important to find ways to keep energy costs lowered to best appeal to prospective buyers. Update your insulation, double-glaze your windows to keep temperatures stable, and consider getting energy-efficient appliances, such as a washer and dryer, as a bonus to leave behind for your buyer.


You may not be able to get around a remodel to update your home and make it as attractive as possible. You won’t need to transform every single room, but there are a few rooms that can truly make a difference. Adding rooms is much more difficult to do than redesigning existing ones, so depending on your home, you may only need to make a few tweaks. The kitchen is one room that can really benefit from additional work. According to HomeAdvisor, the average price of remodeling a kitchen in Orlando, Florida is anywhere from $11,908-$22,556, with a timeline of four to five weeks for a co


Tend to the Outdoors

People aren’t going to be seeing just how your home looks inside. The first thing a potential buyer is going to see is your home from the curb. People make snap judgments, and if your home looks a little run-down, or even if the lawn isn’t well-manicured, buyers may not see past that, even if your house is perfect inside. Tend to your garden if you have one, trim your grass, and get your trees shaped, whatever you need to do to make it look well cared for.

Lower Your Energy Costs

This doesn’t sound exciting, but it can be a draw for a buyer. Energy costs are rising all across the globe, and with income levels remaining somewhat stagnant, it can be hard to keep up. That’s why it’s important to find ways to keep energy costs lowered to best appeal to prospective buyers. Update your insulation, double-glaze your windows to keep temperatures stable, and consider getting energy-efficient appliances, such as a washer and dryer, as a bonus to leave behind for your buyer.


You may not be able to get around a remodel to update your home and make it as attractive as possible. You won’t need to transform every single room, but there are a few rooms that can truly make a difference. Adding rooms is much more difficult to do than redesigning existing ones, so depending on your home, you may only need to make a few tweaks. The kitchen is one room that can really benefit from additional work. According to HomeAdvisor, the average price of remodeling a kitchen in Orlando, Florida is anywhere from $11,908-$22,556, with a timeline of four to five weeks for a complete rehaul.

With just a number of adjustments, you can prepare your home for the big sale, and work toward getting the price all that effort can yield. Remodelling your home can seem daunting, but it has the potential to really increase the resale value of your property. If you keep your home looking clean, clear, and modern, with the amenities of energy efficiency, you can increase the probability of a sale.

Image courtesy of Pixabay


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