How to Prepare Your Home for Natural Disasters

Palm Tree Blowing in the wind

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, over 80% of Americans live in places that were hit by a weather-related disasters. If you’re a homeowner in the greater Orlando area, weather phenomena such as Hurricanes, Tropical Storms, and floods could all be damaging to your home and livelihood. As homeowners, it is critical to not only prepare your home, but your family for potential disasters. Don’t know where to start? Consider implementing the below emergency preparedness tips to keep your home and your family safe this year.


Hurricanes have wreaked havoc up and down the east coast for decades, leaving home owners wondering how they can protect their property. Protecting your home against shocking wind speeds, rain, and storm surges can seem like a daunting task, but with these tips you will be ready for your home to face the storm.

How to Guard Your Home

There are a lot of ways that you can limit the damage that a hurricane can cause. An effective tip is to clear out gutters so that water can move more easily away from your home heavy rain downpours.

Next, it is important to strap down your roof with using hurricane straps to help support the structural integrity of the property. Give your exterior doors an extra boost of protection by having bolt locks at the top and bottom of the door so that extreme winds have a harder time knocking it down.

Protect your home from glass breakage by investing in storm shutters, or if you’re on a budget, you can make your own by cutting plywood in the shape of each window that is five-eighths of an inch thick or more. For the rest of the home, the most important aspect is to make sure the building is up to date and structurally sound.


Flooding is one of the costliest and common weather disasters in the United States and can happen almost anywhere. These tips will help you to minimize your risk of this natural disaster having serious implications on your home.

How to Guard Your Home

According to the Federal Emergency Agency, just one inch of flood water can cause over $25,000 in damage from mold and destruction. With floods having the ability to cause such expensive damages, it is important to invest in a flood insurance program because most homeowner’s insurance doesn’t cover water damages.

Next, it is important to safeguard your electrical outlets and appliances. Switches, plugs, and circuits should be at least a foot above possible flood levels, and appliances should be moved above the ground floor.

It is important to keep your water valves up to date and inspected regularly. If these get backed up with water, it can cause sewage to back up into the house. The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes recommends investing in gate valves that have a stronger seal and can be operated by hand to minimize chances of that happening.


Whether you live near a forest or in a suburban neighborhood, your home could be at risk of an uncontrolled fire. This can leave devastation to homes, but these tips will help keep your family safe.

How to Guard Your Home

According to the Red Cross, it is important to have fire alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of your home. Make sure that you test them monthly and replace them every year.

It is also important to remove any fire hazards, such as candles, from common sleep areas. This will decrease your chances of a fire starting in your home.

In the event of a fire, it is most important to have emergency kits in every bedroom in case one starts in the night. This guide outlines how to prepare each bedroom (especially a child’s room) with the necessary equipment. Every bedroom should have flashlights, emergency ladders, blankets, cash, shoes, and any other supplies that you would need when exiting quickly.

The idea of a natural disaster causing destruction to your home can seem hard to grasp at times, but with these tips you can help protect your home against irreversible damage. It is better to prepare now than wish you had later!

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