6 Simple Open House Preparations You Shouldn’t Overlook


The open house is your best chance for getting bids on your property, and it’s a great way to drum up a little competition to drive bids even higher. Yet, many homeowners overlook the simple things that make all the difference. Use these preparations to stage your house beautifully and get more for your property.

Remember: It’s Not Personal

The first thing you want to do is declutter your home and depersonalize it, according to HGTV. You’re going to be moving, so get some boxes to pack away all those family photos and personal knickknacks. You want buyers to see themselves living their lives here. Also, remove as much clutter as you possibly can to make your home look less personal and make it easier for buyers to imagine their own items inside

Tidy Up the Outside

Realtors talk about curb appeal endlessly, and there’s a good reason: It really matters. Clean debris out of your landscaping areas, sweep the walkways, driveway and porch, and wash everything. Your doors, windows, shutters, gutters and mailboxes should all be cleaned and scrubbed so they gleam. Touch up the paint if needed. According to U.S. News & World Report, making a good first impression is essential to having a successful open house.

Put the Pet Stuff Away

Some homebuyers are turned off by homes with pets in them. They’ll start imagining smells and hidden stains, and before you know it they’re making a lower offer or no offer at all. If you have pets, hide the evidence. Put away toys, food bowls and all of their items, and don’t give potential buyers a reason to wrangle a lower price for your property.

Hire Professional Cleaners

Your home needs to sparkle and shine if it’s going to attract the most attention and get lots of good offers. Consider hiring a professional cleaning service to deep clean your entire house. Professional cleaners won’t neglect all the little details, and when they’re done everything will look and smell clean — something that potential buyers love. Most homeowners spend between $122 and $167 nationally for all-over home cleaning. This money will come back to you in offers.

Tone It Down

You may have a flashy personality, an eye for style and a certain way with home decor. But what buyers want to see is a neutral color scheme, not a lot of electric blue accents everywhere. Remove throw pillows, vases, artwork and other items that might have vivid colors and busy patterns. Make your home look as neutral as you can, and inspire potential buyers to imagine their own design tastes here instead.

Give Them a Parting Gift

Print up some flyers featuring nearby neighborhood attractions, area schools and pictures of your home inside and out. A little take away item like this will keep your property fresh in potential buyers’ minds, and it’s a great advertisement for why they should buy your home. Use full-color photos and an attractive design to make the flyer pleasing to the eye. Don’t forget to include all the contact information to make it easy for them to make you an offer.

Have a Great Open House

Take a little extra time to stage your house well, and your investment of time will be returned to you in dollars. The open house is your best chance of receiving multiple offers for your home, and that’s your best bet for getting the highest possible sale price. Don’t neglect the simple preparations that hurt so many sellers, and have a great open house.



Suzie Wilson is an interior designer with more than 20 years experience. What started as a hobby (and often, a favor to friends) turned into a passion for creating soothing spaces in homes of every size and style. While her goal always includes making homes look beautiful, her true focus is on fashioning them into serene, stress-free environments that inspire tranquility in all who enter. The Ultimate Guide to Prepping Your Home for an Open House is filled with tips, tricks and other advice based on Suzie’s years of experience in interior home design that will set you up for success.

Photo credit: Pexels.com

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